Staying calm amid market volatility

Melissa Kolcz |

First and foremost, our hearts are with those who are being impacted by military aggression. We are hopeful that our world leaders will navigate this crisis as they have so many others.

We know that when markets get volatile, it can be tempting to change course. While we can't predict what happens next, we always proactively plan for market volatility. In these times of uncertainty, we want to remind you of the following;

1) Keeps things in historical perspective - the chart below shows the resilience of stock market returns within just 12 months after some of the S&P's biggest declines.

2) Stay Invested - we are long term investors and it's important to remember it's time IN the market, not timing the market.

Are you ready for this?...

Over the last 20 years, 24 of the 25 worst trading days were

within one month of the 25 best trading days.

Please read that again!

3) Building resilience into your portfolio as part of your long-term plan - just a friendly reminder that we proactively set aside 9 months of cash for monthly withdrawals and Required Minimum Distributions. We are always planning ahead for volatility.

We thank you for your continued trust and we encourage you to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

With gratitude,

Your Team at Beacon Financial Planning